Get started with subscription-based software

Updated on 21 Feb 2024

We highly recommend that you provide us with detailed information about your product requirements before moving forward. We will then match them with the appropriate APIs and present them to you in a table format. Once you’ve decided to use the, find below an overview of the steps to take.

Sign the agreement

To start, let’s sign the agreement outlining the terms and conditions of our collaboration, including data security, service-level commitments, and support guarantees:

  1. Send us the email address of the individual who possesses the legal authority to sign contracts. You can do so in response to the email sent by
  2. Once received, we will send the agreement to the specified email address. Feel free to review all legal documents at your convenience.
  3. Sign the contract through DocuSign.

Pay the setup fee

Once the contract is signed, we will send you the link to pay the upfront one-time setup fee covering the cost of configuring the application instance for your business and connecting it to the databases. 

Please note that this fee is non-refundable. Check out the pricing page for details.

Application setup 

After you sign the agreement and pay the setup fee, a Customer Success Manager will be assigned to address your questions and requests.

Our team will configure the application server

Database setup

The main database which should be set up by your team following this guide. Your database will be hosted on a dedicated cloud server accessible solely by your team. 

Once it is ready, our team will establish the peering connection between the application and the database.

Developing the Product and the UI/UX

After the setup of the system is complete, you can start using the development infrastructure for testing your solution.


Regarding the front-end application, you have two options:
a) you can have your team create the UX from scratch, or use the basic front-end app source code that we can provide at your request.
b) if you would like us to handle the customer-facing front end, we will be happy to assist you, an extra fee will apply.

Going live

When you are ready to go live, we will clone the tested version of your infrastructure. So you will end up with two environments: one for development and testing purposes and one for production.

Software updates

We will regularly provide updates to your application and you will be able to test the updates on the development environment before deploying to production.