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Manage KYC

26. 03. 2023

The KYC functionality can be performed by Administrator or by other roles with relevant permissions (like Compliance manager). There’s a set of relevant role permissions that should be configured to perform KYC actions. Check Roles permissions.
SDK.finance provides basic manual KYC functionality that allows it to cover basic compliance processes such as uploading the documents, verifying documents and users, and requesting user’s actions to complete the compliance procedure. For more complicated KYC and AML functionality we can recommend integration with specialized  third-party providers


View pending reset identification requests

Manage KYC
(one of the possible scenarios for a KYC procedure)

Viewing pending requests for identification allows the Administrator to see when Users have uploaded required documents to be verified in the system. As long as User uploads a document in his profile, Admin or Compliance gets a relevant change of user’s compliance status (to “pending”) and can proceed with documents’ verification.
On UI available out of the box, this functionality is in the Admin’s dashboard in a special section “KYC pending customers”.
The system shows the total number of user profiles waiting for verification and the list of such users with their following details:

IDUser ID in the system
Owners NameName from the User Profile
Registration DateDate of User’s registration 
StatusVerification status (Need approval, Approved, Declined, waiting for the customer’s documents)

Administrators can perform searches of users and filter results by users’ statuses.


APIs for this Use case

View KYC Status

The current identification status of a User can be viewed by the Administrator in the User’s profile.
The User’s identification status can be the following:

Status In KYC pending customersStatus in User ProfileComment
ApprovedIdentification: approvedMeans that the User has uploaded all required documents and Administrator or other role with relevant permission has approved his profile. Such approval, by default, leads to change in the person type from base to standard, that means changing the Contract type for such User. 
DeclinedIdentification: declinedMeans that the User might have not uploaded the documents, or uploaded the documents which were declined by Admin or the verification of User was declined for any other reason. 
PendingIdentification: pendingMeans that the User has uploaded one or all of the required documents which were not yet reviewed by the Administrator. Such User appears in the list of customers waiting for identification. 
Waiting for customer’s documentsIdentification: noneThis status is for all the Users, who were registered in the system and didn’t yet provide any documents for verification.

To check the status of the User using API the general user profile API can be used.

Reset KYC Status

Resetting KYC Status means that the Administrator will re-initiate the user’s verification process and User will have to upload documents once again or provide other required information. The KYC status of a User will be changed to “pending”.
This functionality is available on UI in the Administrator’s dashboard: Users – View User details – User Profile – KYC – Reset KYC Status.

Manage KYC


API for this Use case


View User’s Documents

Administrator or Compliance is able to view User’s documents uploaded to the User profile for their further verification and approval.
(!) All the documents are kept in the system so the Administrator can manage them chronologically. On UI we currently display only the latest documents.
This functionality is available on the UI provided in the Administrator’s dashboard – Users – User Profile – KYC.
Once uploaded by the User such documents are shown in the user’s profile visible to Administrator and Compliance.

Administrator can view the document and some additional information such as:
• Status of a document
• Upload date
• Check date

The Administrator can approve or decline each of the uploaded documents. After approval of all mandatory documents, the Administrator is able to approve the User’s profile.


APIs for this Use case

Approve document

Administrator or Compliance is able to approve documents uploaded to the User profile.
Once approved by the Administrator the User can no longer upload new documents of the same type, unless his KYC status wasn’t reset.
(!) All the documents are kept in the system so the Administrator can manage them chronologically. On UI we currently display only the latest documents.
This functionality is available on the UI provided in the Administrator’s dashboard – Users – User Profile – KYC.
Once uploaded by the User documents are shown in the user’s profile visible to Administrator and Compliance.
To approve the document, the Administrator should click the “Approve” button near the document.


APIs for this Use case

Decline document

Administrator or Compliance is able to decline documents uploaded to the User profile.
Once declined by the Administrator the document will not be displayed in the User’s profile and the User will be able to upload a new document for further verification.
This functionality is available on the UI provided in the Administrator’s dashboard – Users – User Profile – KYC.
Once uploaded by the User documents are shown in the user’s profile visible to Administrator and Compliance.
To decline the document, the Administrator should click “Reject” button near the document.


APIs for this Use case


Approve Profile

The User’s profile can only be approved after all the required documents have been uploaded to the User’s profile and approved by the Administrator or Compliance.

Profile approval leads to change of User’s KYC status to “approved” and his person type changes from “base” to “standard” with a relevant change in User’s contract type
This functionality is available on the UI provided in the Administrator’s dashboard – Users – User Profile – KYC – Approve Profile.
After Profile Approval Admin or Compliance can not decline the documents or decline the profile, but it is possible to reset a user’s KYC status.


API for this Use case

Decline Profile

User’s Profile can be declined by Admin or Compliance anytime before the profile’s approval. Such action leads to change of User’s KYC status to “declined”. Users receive a relevant notification.
(!) Declining User’s verification currently doesn’t lead to any limitation for the User to perform actions in the system.
This functionality is available on the UI provided in the Administrator’s dashboard – Users – User Profile – KYC – Decline Profile.


API for this Use case