Transfer funds

Updated on 18 Jul 2024

Transfer is the internal transaction that can be executed to make transfers between Users’ wallets. Users also can make transfers between their own wallets.

This functionality is available on UI provided out of the box and has the following flow:
1. User creates transfer and specifies the following information:
a. source wallet for transfer
b. recipient wallet serial number
c. transfer amount
(!) For transfers it is required that such transfers are made between the wallets in the same currency. System doesn’t convert funds automatically in this case.
2. System validates the recipient’s wallet serial number
3. System calculates commission and checks the limits
4. User checks the commission and confirms the transfer.
5. Funds are transferred to the recipient’s wallet.

Transfer funds

API for this Use case


Templates can be created after performing the transfer operation. The system suggests creating a template for future transfers to the same wallet.
To create a template User should enter the name of the template and can review transfer details:
From wallet: serial number
Recipient full name:
To wallet: serial number

Success transfer flow using the template:
1. User creates transfer and chooses template from the drop-down list
2. User checks the information which is loaded from the template.
3. System validates the wallet serial number, limits and commission profile.
4. User confirms transfer.

API for this Use case

More about Templates Subscriptions


Pay to contact

Users can make transfers to other Users from their contact book, who have account in the E-wallet system.
This functionality is not provided on the UI, available out of the box, but there’s a set of APIs that cover the flow.

To make a transfer to contact from the contact book (APIs):
1. Check if the contact has an account
2. Get wallets owned by contact
3. Calculate commission
4. Perform transfer