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Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Create a customer-centric experience that drives loyalty and helps increase your revenue using our affordable cloud-based solution. No need to start from scratch – we’ve done the heavy lifting so that you get a reliable transactional core as a foundation for your finance product. Customize our ledger layer solution and build on top of it.

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Build with confidence on the pro payment SDK

Set your product up for success by using powerful and reliable ledger layer fintech software developed by a team of seasoned experts with 15+ years of experience as the foundation.

  • A cloud-hosted backend app with an API layer
  • Customizable customer front-office UI pack
  • Customizable team back-office UI package
Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Benefit from the developer-centric technology

Using fintech platform means a robust
foundation that works without a hiccup for your
developers team to build on, ease of integrations and
the ability to focus on customer and product

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

API-first approach (400+ REST APIs)

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Cutting-edge technology stack

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Scalable infrastructure

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Security by design

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Flexible CI/CD

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform


More on technology

Explore the key platform possibilities

Check out the features and all the internal tools to
configure key payment product operations and services tailored to
your payment product needs.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform


Merchant and individual


Two-factor authorisation

KYC documents upload

Customer onboarding

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform



Account creation

Account balance display

Transaction history

Account management: block/unblock, close

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform


P2P transfer


Invoicing (issuing and payments)

Top-up/ Withdraw

Currency exchange

Vouchers generation and redemption

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform


Customers management

Transactions history

Activity log tracking

User management

Currency management

Fees and limits management

KYC management

Got a brilliant fintech product idea? Let's talk it over!

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Design your own digital financial
ecosystem on top of
ledger software

In fintech, there’s no one-size fits all solution. Use our fintech ledger
platform as a powerful and reliable basis to build the remittance
system that will meet YOUR customers’ financial needs and will
comply with your target location regulations.

Onboard users and build lasting relationships

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Observe the KYC process

Collect the KYC data and store it within the system, integrate with the selected KYC tool to have customer applications approved or rejected based on the details provided.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Know your customer details

Get a comprehensive view of each customer’s profile: personal data and documents, their accounts, activity log, transactions and statuses, etc.

Add the functionality for unparalleled customer experience

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform


Integrate with the third-party providers through API to provide bank payments like IBAN and SWIFT, as well as card payments. Accommodate different customer segments and increase your turnover.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Money transfers

Let your customers send and receive money fast and seamlessly, starting from the internal P2P transfers out of the box to cross-border remittances via integration with payment- and service providers.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Bill payments and templates

From utility bills to mobile top-ups and other payments - help users save time with convenient payment templates enabled through API integration with the local vendors.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Expense tracking

Assist customers with tracking their spending through expense charts and graphs, plus show transactions on the map option for maximum convenience.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Multi-currency system

Configure an unlimited number of currencies within the system. Let users operate any assets - from fiat currencies to reward points to diamonds.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Currency exchange

Provide seamless currency exchange between customer accounts within the system (according to the pre-configured exchange rate), plus options for currency purchasing and selling.

Monetise your payment product

Your hub for managing customers’ pricing plans and contracts with
providers and payment gateways. Leverage every opportunity to
grow your profit and offer value for customers.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Payment gateways

Manage gateways and operations, configure commissions and limits for each operation, temporarily disable a gateway or its operation, and add new operations to the list.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Internal operations

Activate/deactivate internal operations like P2P transfers, withdrawals, top-ups, voucher creation, monthly fees, cash desk charges etc.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Service providers

Manage providers and services, configure fees and limits for a number of parameters, get the ability to temporarily disable a provider or a service or create a new service.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform


Create new contracts by combining specific rules transaction types, commission fees and limits and get details of the existing contracts: providers and payment gateways fees and limits, as well as currency exchange rates.

Hybrid cloud for easier compliance

Regulatory compliance is a stumbling block for many cloud payment software solutions around the globe, but deals with it via hybrid cloud delivery model.

  • backend app is stored on the major cloud providers’ servers and maintained by our team.
  • Your database is stored on your servers to ensure data security and compliance with data location-related regulations.
Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Faster launch, for a fraction of a price

Torn between expensive market-ready software vs. lengthy in-house development? Our platform strikes a perfect balance thanks to its cloud-based software by monthly subscription. You cut down the fintech product infrastructure, maintenance and development costs, plus seriously speed up the release date.

Develop a stellar payment product on cloud fintech platform

Use as an implementation shortcut to turn your idea into reality fast and affordably

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