Essential digital banking software features

No need to start a bank from scratch – we’ve done the heavy lifting, so that you can customize our platform and build on top. Get everything you need to build a customer-centric banking experience that drives loyalty and helps increase LTV.

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Neobank back office – сonfigure, manage, track performance

Check out the admin area for your team with deep insights, performance metrics, real-time business data and all the internal tools to configure key banking operations and services. 

Analytics dashboard

A set of detailed performance reports covering all important payment business areas provides a deep dive into real-time relevant data


Customer acquisition

Customer base growth, number of new and churned customers, KYC success rate, churn rate and reasons, CAC, etc.

Unit economics

Instant insights into customers break-even point, profit, average lifetime.


Real-time customers' LTV, payback period and LTV/CAC ratio


Find out your business turnover and revenue, and their growth rate along with gross product margin

Product value

Dynamic data on the most popular operations and pricing plans efficiency, plus typical pre-churn signals

Transaction result rates

Know your payment success rate, plus fraud and dispute rates

Customer management

Approve or reject new applications, obtain a 360 degree view of each customer’s profile: their accounts, activity log, LTV and profitability for your business. Gain insight into customer acquisition costs and work with customer segments.  

Contracts management

A hub for creating pricing plans for customers, managing contracts with providers and payment gateways and configuring service commission fees & limits. 


View or edit existing contracts and add new ones, being able to configure all the parameters like commission type and amount, minumum and maximum limits, number of transactions per specific periods.

Service providers

Manage providers and the services, configure commissions and limits for a number of parameters, temporarily disable a provider or service or create a new service.

Payment gateways

Manage gateways and operations, configure commissions and limits for each operation, temporarily disable a gateway or its operation, add new operations to the list.

Internal operations

Activate/deactivate internal operations like P2P transfers, withdrawals, topups, voucher creation, monthly fee, cash desk charge etc., and view stats on each operation type.

Currency exchange

View currency exchange stats, earnings, the popularity of specific currency exchange pairs etc.

Contracts (individual and corporate)

View contracts stats, create new contracts and view details of the existing contracts: providers and payment gateways commission fees and limits, currency exchange rates.


Upload the data files, view reconciliation status, schedule automated reconciliations, download reports in case of records mismatch.  

Need more details? Reach out for a demo!

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Area for accessing exhaustive details of each transaction and handling all related disputes.


View and filter a list of transactions, view details of each transaction. 

Communicate with customers on their requests via online chat

Customer support centre

Access customer disputes, chats with customers, functionality for creating an FAQ section and for feedback collection. 


All things related to creating and managing currencies in your bank

Currencies and issuers

Create currencies and issuers, view the existing ones' details

Exchange rates

Setup a manual or external currency exchange feed. View details on each currency pair, commissions earned and rate history.


Manage multiple system languages, add new languages and localizations in a few clicks.

Roles and permissions

Manage permissions for existing system roles, create new roles with custom permissions, view users with roles assigned to them.

Log history

View details of each system user session and a log of their actions within the system. 

Eager to discuss the details? Reach out and let’s talk!

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