
Choose the right delivery model for your business

Source code license

Best for: Enterprise

  • On-premise or cloud deployment
  • Freedom of modifications
  • Full code control
  • Rapid feature development
See details

Pay-as-you-go (PaaS)

Best for: Startups, SMBs

  • Databases on your servers: ensure compliance
  • Quick launch
  • Affordable cost
  • Seamless scaling
See details

Source code license

Vendor independence

Own the source code license for full control

On-premise or cloud infrastructure

Hosted on your servers (on-premise, private datacenter)

Customization without limits

Full access to source code and flexibility to modify it.

Long-term cost efficiency

No extra costs as your transaction volume soars.

Innovating without waiting

Develop new features on your schedule, no delays.

Source code license contract

Back-end in APIsAll functionality of the PlatformFront-end UI: back-officeWorkspace for your teamFront-end UI for individualsiOS/Android/web app for end-users
PriceRequest a quoteRequest a quoteRequest a quote
Available functionalityAPI referenceGuide for developersTry interactive SandboxTry interactive Sandbox
Planned for Q2/2025See DemoSee Demo
Knowledge transfer

Software guidance for your team
Implementation consultancy

6 months after purchase

Free calls to discuss your questions regarding our software. Learn more
Code warranty

12 months after purchase

We will fix the code defects or
vulnerabilities found. Learn more
Regular software updates

Before you start

To purchase the Source code license of software, your team should run a thorough technical audit of the code which is paid upfront, 10% of the license cost, and is non-refundable.
After you decide to purchase the Source code and the license contract is signed, the remaining 90% of the license cost is paid. Learn more

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