Salt Edge Available Open banking

Access 5000+ of banks globally through a single API


Salt Edge is a financial technology company specializing in providing secure solutions for accessing and aggregating financial data. They offer a range of services, including open banking APIs, financial data aggregation, and payment initiation services. Salt Edge’s technology allows businesses to connect with various banks and financial institutions, enabling seamless data integration and enhancing the development of financial applications.

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Functionality of Salt Edge integration

  • Access financial data from bank accounts worldwide
  • Connect with 5,000+ banks in 47 countries via a single API
  • Initiate payment directly from bank accounts across 2,000+ EU banks

Benefits for clients

With Salt Edge integration, users can leverage a comprehensive suite of financial data and payment solutions to enhance their services and streamline their operations. This integration allows users to:

Expand payment products globally

Through integration, clients have access to open banking data across Europe and beyond, with connections to 5,059 banks worldwide. Salt Edge continually tests and adds new bank connections to ensure access to any bank account.

Enhance financial insights

Leverage Salt Edge's data enrichment services to transform raw data into meaningful insights. This includes transaction categorization, merchant identification, and detailed financial reports, helping you better understand and meet your clients' needs.

Provide direct payment initiations

Users can make payments directly from their bank accounts with access to over 2,000 European banks. You can enable your customers to initiate instant payments and transfers from any EU bank account without leaving your platform.

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    from 2,700

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