Release Version 4.10.0 (July 26, 2023)
26. 07. 2023
What’s new
- For the ability to customize the fraction of the different currencies the Currency fraction was added into the Currency entity was added
- The ability for system and business users to pass additional information while the Top up/Withdrawal via bank and
- Transfer operations performing (in the text field costomInformation) were added
- A new API endpoint to get permissions and which role has these permissions for each APIs was added (GET /api/v1/actuator/api-list)
- The ability to set up a commission for Gate Provider Products was added (via Front-end)
- New Gate Provider Marqeta Card Issuing and ability to set up a commission for Products of this Provider was added
- Validation of all dates according to ISO 8601 was added
- Validation to the date ranges (End Date must be always greater than Start Date) was added
- New permission COIN_MAIN_STATUS_SETTER for API POST /coins/set-main and POST/close/coin/{serial} was added
- Endpoint POST /bank-catalog/import was enhanced (add fields into the imported file)
- The logic of calculation of Source and Destination amounts for all statuses of operation was enhanced
- API endpoints which Front-end is used to configure commissions for the provider operation replaced with new ones (Commission Rules is used for all Provider, Product, and System Commissions settings)
- Search by Amount for Invoice was changed. Search available by combination of two parameters Issuer (Currency) and Amount
- The issue with prepaidName field filling in Prepaid Voucher creation logic was fixed
- The issue with POST/gate/transactions endpoint was fixed. Error 500 was replaced by the correct enum instead DTO and 400 error when using an invalid value.
- Creation of the cash desk operations (requests) where amount = 0 was forbidden.
- The issue with GET /smart-cards/my/{id} endpoint was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 404 when trying to get smart card info by an invalid id
- DataException during CashDesk operations using too many characters as the fullName key’s value was fixed
- The Status Code for calculating commission endpoints was fixed. 500 status code was replaced by 400 “Bad Request” when trying to use technical coins
- Status Code for GET /merchant-payments/{identifier}/merchant-purchases endpoint was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 404 when trying to get merchant-purchases by an invalid id
- The Status Code for POST /merchant-payments endpoint was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 400 when using an invalid “method” or “value” of PayerDto
- The Status Code for GET/POST/DEL merchant-product-prices endpoints was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 400 when trying to perform action with merchant-product-prices using non-number productId.
- Status Code for POST /profiles/{userId}/reset-identification-requests/{reqId}/approve and POST /profiles/{userId}/reset-identification-requests/{reqId}/decline endpoints was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 400 or 404 when trying to perform action with reset-identification-request using an inexistent request id
- The issue with GET /users/view/{actionId}/action-reverse endpoint when trying to get list of object marks as related to certain actions using some actionId was fixed
- The issue with POST /contact-book/contact/list endpoint response was fixed. Only just-created via this endpoint new contacts return in the response
- Renaming a coin leads to its deactivation via PATCH /coins/{serial} was fixed
- The issue with POST /gate/products endpoint was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 400 when trying to create gate product without minAmount or maxAmount
- Status Code for PATCH /gate-providers/{gateProviderId}/settings was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 400 when trying to update the settings of the gate provider using an empty object inside SettingsFieldsReqDto
- Status Code for POST /contracts/{contractId}/commission-profiles/{profileId}/commission-rule/view was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 400 when trying to view internal commission rules using request body without mandatory filterCriteria
- Validation for the values in contractId and profileId in the Internal commission rule endpoints was fixed
- The Status Code for POST /invoice-templates endpoint was fixed. 500 error was replaced by 404 when trying to create invoice-template using the request body without recipientCoin inside InvoiceDraftDto
- Status Code for DELETE /points-of-sale/{posId} was fixed. Successful response (200 code) was replaced by 404 when trying to delete non-existent or previously deleted POS
- Issuer with filterCriteria in POST /contracts/:contractId/gate-commission-profiles/{profileId}/commission-product-rule/view was fixed
- Validation for mandatory field endDate in Gate commission provider rule management was fixed
- Using negative values of value for Conditions of all Commissions (internal commission, provider commission, product commission) was forbidden
- 404 issue while performing of Exchange operation was fixed
- Issue with updates Issuer information via PATCH /issuers/{id} endpoint was fixed
- The issue with changes of the parameter main via POST /coins/set-main endpoint was fixed
API Changes |
Endpoint |
Changes |
GET /gate/products/available GET /gate/products/gate-provider/{gateProviderId}/view GET /gate/products/gate-provider/{gateProviderId}/available |
Added name to response |
POST /coins/set-main |
Added a new permission for merchant and individual COIN_MAIN_STATUS_SETTER |
POST /close/coin/{serial} |
Replace COIN_OWNER permission to a new COIN_CLOSURE. This permission is only for merchant and individual |
GET /api/v1/actuator/api-list |
Added new endpoint (in actuator only) |
POST /issuers GET /currencies |
Depricated parameters orderNumber and orderQuote from Currency Issuer was removed |
POST /bank-top-ups POST /transactions/view POST /transactions/view POST /transactions/view |
Added field customInformation to response |
POST /bank-withdrawals/create-request POST /bank-top-ups/create-request POST /bank-withdrawals POST /bank-withdrawals/view POST /transfers |
Added field customInformation to request/response |
GET /currencies POST /currencies |
Added field fraction to the request/response |
POST /invoices/view |
Added issuerId and amount to totalPrice node in requests filter |