Explore Release Notes

Release Version 4.12.0 (October 5, 2023)

05. 10. 2023

What’s new

Integration with Corefy Payment Gateway was implemented. The option for Business Users to top up in-system accounts via Corefy Payment Gateway was added to the UI.

Customer manual for Top-up account via Corefy Payment Gateway

If the Integration was included in the package when purchasing the source code of the main platform, it can be the next flow for the Customer to perform Top-up account via Corefy Payment Gateway:

  1. Login into the system.
  2. Select “Top up” option
  3. Choose the “Top up via debit card” as a way to top up the account
  4. Choose “Corefy Gateway” and select Chanal (available service provider)
  5. Specify the Account” to top up and enter the “Amount” of top up and “Next”
  6. Specify the card details on the opened secure hosted page and “Process”

The account will be topped up when the operation will be processed on the provider side.

The opened Hosted Payment Page totally hosted on the Corefy Gateway side, so that the main platform has not interfered with the sensitive account holder data and thus ensures data security and PCI compliance.

New endpoint GET /organizations/{organizationId}/coins/{coinSerial} was added to OpenAPI Schema

New endpoint PUT /close/coin/{serial} was added to OpenAPI Schema

Deletion of the default administrator user or delete their permission to manage users was prevented. Deletion of the default administrator user without any other administrator user who can manage users and create an administrator will lead to a situation when the system can’t be manageable. So now the System does not allow to delete the default user with the administrator role or change their permission to manage users if there is no other administrator user.


  • The exception pop-up messages when trying to upload too large a file or an invalid file type were added
  • The endpoint GET “Get detail statistic per host” was changed to POST and pagination was added
  • Change UI mapping for currency symbol for Exchange operation. Fields records.destinationIssuer.symbol and records.sourceIssuer.symbol (for bought/sold operation accordingly) now is used as a source for currency symbols for Transaction List and Transaction Detail forms
  • Legacy fields srcParticipantSpecification and destParticipantSpecification from API POST ​/contracts​/{contractId}​/commission-profiles were removed from API and Code
  • Permission PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_VIEW was renamed to PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_VIEWER.To call API endpoint POST /profile-documents/view-document-types permission PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_OWNER is required (available only for individual and merchant roles)

    To call API endpoint POST /profile-documents/view permissions PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_VIEWER (available only for administrator role) and PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_MANAGER (available only for head_of_compliance and compliance_specialist roles) are required


  • 500 error occurs when trying to get the list of object masks related to certain actions using some Action IDs was fixed
  • 500 error occurs when trying to update the settings of the gate provider using the empty value of “version” inside the request was fixed
  • Errors when trying to Get detailed statistics per host were fixed
  • The KYC section of users is forbidden for an administrator was fixed
  • The usage of spaces instead of valid characters (update) was prevented
  • The issue with preview of user documents on the UI was fixed
  • Unexpected error when trying to execute an exchange transaction using a negative amount value was fixed
  • Uploading of unsupported files format as a document was prevented

API Changes

Legacy fields srcParticipantSpecification and destParticipantSpecification was removed from the request and response
POST /profile-documents/view-document-types
Permission to call endpoint was changed to PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_OWNER (is required and available only for individual and merchant roles)
POST /profile-documents/view
To call endpoint permissions PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_VIEWER (available only for administrator role) and PROFILE_DOCUMENTS_MANAGER (available only for head_of_compliance and compliance_specialist roles) are required
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/coins/{coinSerial}
was added new endpoint to get availableAmount by organizationId and coinSerial
    {    "serial": "468154658341",    "availableAmount": 9999999999.1470}
availableAmount is equal amount after operation performing
PUT /close/coin/{serial}
was added new endpoint to close Business User account and transfer current account balance to another specified account

Request URL parameter:

serial it is the serial number of the account to close

Request body parameter:

{ "transferToCoinSerial" :”{serial}” }

transferToSerial it is the serial number of the account to which funds from the closed account will be transferred