Explore Release Notes

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

01. 03. 2024

What’s new

New Accounting Model was implemented for all supported operations. It gives an opportunity to see in-system money circulation in the separate wallet balance (type=issuing_balance) on the runtime.

All incomes/outcomes to/from the system circulation (in certain currency) going through the issuing_transit account and issuing_balance account.

Example: all incomes/outcomes to/from the system circulation in Currency1 reflect on the issuing1_balance account and issuing1_transfer account (both accounts have one unique Currency – Currency1)

To reconcile the volume of circulation (in a particular issued Currency, e.g. Currency USD1) compare the balances of the Currency1 issuing1_transfer account with the balance of issuing1_balance account – this balances show a volume of circulation and it must be equal.

The current atomic transactions inside the Business Processes were chnaged according to the schema of technical transactions. If the “integrator” (or “client”) uses the fields from node transactions from the API endpoints POST /transactions/view or GET/transactions/{transactionId} for their system – they should note that the atomic transaction has changed (see schemas below).

Internal operations
Transfer OUT commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Transfer IN commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Transfer SHARED commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Top up via bank

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Top up via cash desk

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Withdrawal via cash desk

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Cash desk investment

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Cash desk input

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Cash desk collect

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)


Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Merchant payment

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Voucher creation

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Voucher activation

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Currency exchange

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Top up exchange reserve

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Withdraw exchange reserve

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Provider operations (Gate)
Top up via provider total commission>provider commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Top up via provider total commission<provider commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Withdrawal via provider total commission>provider commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Withdrawal via provider total commission<provider commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Purchase via provider total commission>provider commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Purchase via provider total commission<provider commission

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

Issue card

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024)

The ability to Top up/Withdraw the Exchange Reserve account was added.

Exchange Reserve account – it is the currency exchange reserve account, used only for Currency Exchange operations (see accounting model description for Currency exchange operation). See “API Changes” section of the release notes to know more about changes related to API

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024) For the Business user to be able to perform currency exchange operations, the Service user (any service user with appropriate permission) must first top up the balances on exchange_reserve wallets for the required currencies.

The Service user (Service role with appropriate permission) can create a request to Top up or Withdraw from the Exchange Reserve account via bank transfer. After the request is created the Service user with appropriate permission must accept or decline a request to process such operation further.

New Business process types were added: exchange_reserve_top_up and exchange_reserve_withdraw

To create Top up/Withdrawal Exchange Reserve Request user must specify the:

  • coin serial (required) – serial number of the exchange reserve account to top up OR withdraw

  • amount (required) – amount to top up OR withdraw

  • bank account number (conditional) – IBAN OR bank account number, required if bank account ID is not provided

  • bank account ID (conditional) – bank account internal identifier, required if bank account number is not provided

  • custom information (optional) – Additional information

  • description (optional) – description for top-up request

Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024) Top-up/Withdraw Exchange reserve wallet can be performed with the provided bank account ID – it means, that there is a bank account registered in the system and linked with the wallet. If a bank account number OR IBAN was provided – it means, that there is no linked bank account for the current wallet in the system.

To accept or decline a request user must specify the identifier of the request. The Status of the Top-up/Withdraw Exchange Reserve operation returns in the response (with other operation details).

A new approach to approve/decline business process requests was implemented. The main idea of the approach is to use general API requests to manage created business process requests for all types of business processes. Currently, it is available only for operations related to exchange_reserve coin: top_up and withdraw. Going to be implemented for all other types of business process requests.

To Approve and Decline APIs requires two types of permissions:

  • access permission to call the APIs: BUSINESS_REQUEST_MANAGER

  • permission to process requests (set of permissions related to the different types of business requests), such as:


See “API Changes” section of the release notes to know more about changes related to API


  • The ability to update bank account details via UI was added for Individual

How to edit a Bank account via Front-office UI:

  1. Log in as an Individual
  2. Select “Account” (press on the certain account to see linked Bank accounts)
  3. Select the needed bank account to edit and update details:
  • Use as default bank account
  • Bank Account Number – conditional field, OR you can provide IBAN in “IBAN”
  • IBAN – conditional field, provide existing IBAN OR press “Generate IBAN” to get new, generated IBAN and use it as bank account details
  • Bank ID – required to generate IBAN
  • Full Name – required

Press “Update bank account”. A bank account will be updated.

  • [Bank-office] A New Transactions list form for the Administrator was implemented
  • A default sorting option was added in the UI for all columns of all tables in the Back-office
  • Filter memory (chips) was added to all tables with filter
  • Permission ISSUE_CARD_OWNER was added to the Individual role by default
  • Amount mapping for Withdrawal/top via bank request details was corrected in the UI
  • The ability to see a list of available APIs (quantity and descriptions) was added to the user login page
  • The organization type for all gate-provider wallets was changed to “gate”
  • Commission amounts field mapping was corrected for Merchant payment and Invoice operations
  • The view of user notes in JSON format was changed on the UI
  • DB migrations were performed (scripts for manual DB migrations were created to have appropriate DB for test and pre-prod environments)
  • Set up a Total commission less than the Provider for Gate operations were allowed on the UI
  • The mapping for Transactions list form (Administrator view) was corrected
  • Performing in-system operations (transfer, bank top-up, etc.) if the commission rule is inactive was prohibited


  • The issue with the error message when trying to perform a transfer using an invalid card number was fixed. The message was changed from the validator.transfer.card_not_found=A user with this email is not found to the validator.transfer.card_not_found=A card is not found
  • The issue with wrong commission wallets are using for the operations of Merchant users was fixed. Commission for Merchant operations is collected on the “business_system_commission“ and “business_gate_ commission“ wallets
  • Front-end issues with the Transactions table component were fixed
  • Displaying dashes when there is no info about some fields in API response was added to Individual’s Transactions
  • The issue with placement of “Close” button in wide modal windows was fixed
  • The schema of POST /v1/exchange response was changed in Swagger
  • The issue with limits for invoices, currency exchanges, and top via bank operations was fixed
  • The page on the success of the Currency exchange operation was added
  • Filter by “Type” for “Currency exchange” operation was fixed on the Transaction List for the Merchant role
  • The issue with operational time for all operations in Individual’s Transactions List was fixed

API Changes

POST ​/v1​/exchange
Response were changed:
  • children business processes (withdraw and top_up) was removed
  • field exchangeDirectionType : possible options SELL | BUY was added
  • type for Exchange Operation Business process was changed to exchange_transaction
PATCH {{host}}/profiles/{userId}/additional
PATCH {{host}}/profiles/my/additional
Value for field type in the additional in the request and response was changed common changed to CommonProfileExtDto raw changed to RawProfileExtDto
    "additional": {
        "type": "CommonProfileExtDto",
POST /v1​/exchange​/reserve-top-up​/create-request
Release Version 4.17.0 (March 1, 2024) For the Business user to be able to perform currency exchange operations, the Service user (any service user with appropriate permission) must first top up the balances on exchange_reserve wallets for the required currencies.
Use this API to create a request to top up exchange_reserve wallet.
The request will be created, but money will be loaded to the wallet when the request is confirmed.
In the response, you will receive a requestIdentifier along with exchange reserve top-up details. Pass requestIdentifier to the APIs to approve or decline request to top up exchange_reserve wallet. Permission to call this API: BUSINESS_REQUEST_EXCHANGE_RESERVE_TOP_UP. Request body:
  "coinSerial": "string",
  "amount": 0,
  "bankAccountId": "string",
  "bankAccountNumber": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "customInformation": "string"
Response body:
  "records": [
      "identifier": 12345,
      "status": "waiting_for_approval",
      "businessProcessId": "9ac46353-c9a6-4979-8d2e-a9e6c0dd0419",
      "businessProcessType": "exchange_reserve_top_up",
      "businessProcessStatus": "pending"
To approve/decline/view business request call corresponding APIs: POST /business-requests/{requestIdentifier}/approve, POST /business-requests/{requestIdentifier}/decline, POST /business-requests
POST /v1​/exchange​/reserve-withdrawal​/create-request
Use this API to create a request to withdraw exchange_reserve wallet.
The request will be created, but money will be withdrawn from the wallet when the request is confirmed.
In the response, you will receive a requestIdentifier along with exchange reserve withdrawal details. Pass requestIdentifier to the APIs to approve or decline request to withdraw exchange_reserve wallet.
Request body:
  "coinSerial": "string",
  "amount": 0,
  "bankAccountId": "string",
  "bankAccountNumber": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "customInformation": "string"
response body:
  "records": [
      "identifier": 12345,
      "status": "waiting_for_approval",
      "businessProcessId": "9ac46353-c9a6-4979-8d2e-a9e6c0dd0419",
      "businessProcessType": "exchange_reserve_withdraw",
      "businessProcessStatus": "pending"
To approve/decline/view business request call corresponding APIs: POST /business-requests/{requestIdentifier}/approve, POST /business-requests/{requestIdentifier}/decline, POST /business-requests
POST /business-requests/{requestIdentifier}/approve
Use this API to approve requests to top up/withdraw exchange_reserve wallet.
Business request identifier. requestIdentifier is returned in the API response for POST /business-requests in field id.
Permissions to call this API:
Response body:
  "records": [
      "identifier": 12345,
      "status": "approved",
      "businessProcessId": "9ac46353-c9a6-4979-8d2e-a9e6c0dd0419",
      "businessProcessType": "exchange_reserve_topup",
      "businessProcessStatus": "processed"
POST /business-requests/{requestIdentifier}/decline
Use this API to decline requests to top up/withdraw exchange_reserve wallet.
Business request identifier. requestIdentifier is returned in the API response for POST /business-requests in field id.
Permissions to call this API:
Response body:
  "records": [
      "identifier": 12345,
      "status": "declined",
      "businessProcessId": "9ac46353-c9a6-4979-8d2e-a9e6c0dd0419",
      "businessProcessType": "exchange_reserve_topup",
      "businessProcessStatus": "rejected"
POST /business-requests
Use this API to view pending business requests to top up/withdraw exchange_reserve wallet with filter and pagination.
Available filter:
  • identifiers - business request identifier
  • statuses - business request status
  • businessProcessTypes - business process type
Permission to call this API:
  • BUSINESS_REQUEST_MANAGER for Service roles
  • BUSINESS_REQUEST_VIEWER for Business roles
Request body:
  "pageNumber": 0,
  "pageSize": 10,
  "filter": {
    "identifiers": [
    "statuses": [
    "businessProcessTypes": [
  "sort": {
    "date": "asc"
Response body:
  "pageNumber": 0,
  "pageSize": 10,
  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalRecords": 10,
  "records": [
      "identifier": 12345,
      "status": "limited",
      "businessProcessId": "9ac46353-c9a6-4979-8d2e-a9e6c0dd0419",
      "businessProcessType": "bank_topup",
      "businessProcessStatus": "limited"