Explore Release Notes

Release Version 4.19.0 (April 10, 2024)

10. 04. 2024

What’s new

The ability for Business user to tokenize cards that is used for Top up via Corefy was added.

When the user selects “Tokenize” the card number will be tokenized on the Corefy Gateway side and the token will be linked with the used (organization) and card in both, Corefy and SDK.finance Systems. The user will be able to use this token next time the Withdrawal via Corefy operation.

Provide the Compliance with the ability to add reason and description while user status changes via UI

Notification for Busines user in case account blocking (deactivated) with reason “AML” was added.

If the Compliance manager blocked the user account due to AML check the user will receive the following notification (on the contact email):

Subject: Notice of Account Termination Due to AML Compliance


“Dear [Customer's Name], 

Following a review, we regret to inform you that your account with [Application Name] has been terminated due to compliance 
with our Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy. To facilitate the closure, please provide your bank details for the
transfer of any remaining balance under your name. This process may take up to 30 working days. For further assistance, 
contact our customer support team at [Customer Support Contact Email].


[Service User Name] 
[Service User Position] 
[Application Name] Compliance Team”

Account blocking notification is available only to email. To receive the notification, the user should provide a contact email during onboarding.

To block user due to AML check use API PATCH​/v1​/users​/{userId} active: false and reason: aml

Pre-integration with StreamX service for gold wallet management was implemented. Integration will be available after gaining credentials from the StreamX API.

Imtegration will support the following use cases:

  • gold wallet creation, management, and top up
  • ability to get gold rates
  • webhooks for StreamX system


Creation of a currency exchange rate if at least one of the currencies in the pair is inactive was forbidden
General notification to user about account blocking was switched off in case of the reason “AML” was provided during account blocking
Payment service selection option during Withdrawal and Top up via Corefy was temporarily deactivated (new implementation of this feature coming soon)
The ability for Merchant to specify account number while account creation (optionally) was added on the UI

The configuration for bank operation was extended on the system configuration level.

Added parameter bank.account.required to the configuration file src/main/resources/application-bank.yml:

bank:  operation:    on-behalf: true  account:    required: false  flyway:    location: 'sdk/finance/bankaccount/db/migration'    table: 'migrations_bank'    baseline-version: '0.1'
  • account.required: true means that to perform bank operation (as service or business user) requires linking the bank account to the business user wallet
  • bank.account.required: false means that to perform bank operation, e.g. Top up via bank, Withdrawal via bank, (as service or business user) does not require linking the bank account to the business user wallet


  • Front-end issue with buttons displaying after page refresh was fixed
  • Incorrect coin balances displaying in POST transactions/view and GET /v1/transactions/{transactionId} were fixed
  • Alerts, when activate/deactivate and freeze/unfreeze users for Old and New back-office, were changed
  • Ability to view exchange rates by Business users was fixed. Now Business users can view valid exchange rates.
  • Notification about top-up transaction was changed to: “1.00 EUR 757856420586 BALANCE 999 999 996 220.15 EUR 08:03 09.11.2023”
  • Coin Service logic was refactored

API Changes

POST /gate/transactions/calculate
PayerId was deleted from request and response as irrelevant