Explore Release Notes

Release Version 4.29.0 (February 14, 2025)

14. 02. 2025

Pre-deployment steps

To be done before deployment

Check configuration changes and apply them in the application.yaml if the default configuration has been overridden there.

Check if the release contains migrations. Migrations can affect deployment and downtime.

Use GET /i18n/export/{fileName} to download files with current i18n properties. Check if the downloaded file is correct.

Post-deployment steps

To be done after deployment

Verify permission changes and assign or remove required permissions if they have been overridden.

Add new properties from the I18n properties changes to the downloaded i18n properties file and add translation for them if needed.

Use POST /i18n/import to upload and apply previously downloaded i18n file with added new properties.

Release migrations

Added migration for operational_day_account_balance table
Updated wallet types
'regular_gate_commission', 'business_gate_commission' to system_gate_commission
'regular_system_commission', 'business_system_commission', 'client_system_commission' to system_commission

Changes to notice

Breakable API changes (implement changes before deployment of this version if you use this API):

The bank-accounts/view API was changed to use the GET HTTP method instead of POST.

New functionality




Ability for service users to link or unlink transactions from investigations that are in progress.

Service users can link or unlink transactions from investigations that are in progress.

The investigation must have at least one linked transaction, so the last remaining transaction cannot be unlinked.

Investigations functionality allows to address AML or fraud concerns efficiently and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Ability for service users to view a list of investigations linked to a business user’s transactions in the business user’s profile.

Service users can view a list of investigations linked to a business user’s transactions in the business user’s profile.

Ability for service users to filter a list of business users who have open investigations

Service users can filter a list of business users who have open investigations

This functionality is currently available in the APIs and will be incorporated into the UI in future versions.

UI changes for Investigations for service users:

  • Ability to add a note to ongoing investigations on UI

  • Ability to upload documents related to the investigations

  • Ability to approve or decline documents related to the investigations

  • Ability to view the list of Investigations and Investigation details

Ability for service users to approve or decline requests to change the phone number used for login

Service users can approve or decline requests to change the phone number used for login.

If the request is approved, the user can log in with the new phone number.

If the request is declined user can log in with the old phone number.

The ability for business users to change the login phone number if they no longer have access to it will be implemented in the SDK.finance mobile application.

The end-to-end flow enables business users to change the login phone number in the SDK.finance mobile application if they no longer have access to it.

Ability for the business users to initiate a chat with support linked to the selected transaction

Business users can initiate a chat with support linked to a selected transaction.

Only one chat can be linked to a transaction; all further messages are added to the same chat.

This will be available on UI in the SDK.finance mobile application.

Ensure efficient communication by allowing business and service users to initiate and manage a single dedicated support chat per transaction.

Ability for the service users to initiate a chat with business users linked to the selected transaction

Service users can initiate a chat with business users linked to a selected transaction.

Only one chat can be linked to a transaction; all further messages are added to the same chat.

Ability for service users to initiate chats with a chosen business user, view messages, and reply through the UI

Service users can initiate chats with a chosen business user, view messages, and reply through the UI.

Improve customer support by ensuring clear and efficient communication.

Ability for service users to view the list of chats on UI

Service users can view the list of chats on UI.

Ability for the service users to delete uploaded files for reconciliation that have not been parsed

Service users can delete uploaded files for reconciliation that have not been parsed.

Simplify the reconciliation process by allowing service users to delete incorrectly uploaded files before they are parsed, reducing errors and ensuring data accuracy

Ability for service users to withdraw funds from the collected commission in the Assets section on UI

Service users can withdraw funds from the collected commission in the Assets section on UI.

Ensure consistency between the platform and bank balances by synchronizing earned commission funds




Refresh token is added to the authorization process

Introduced a new endpoint for refreshing access token with a refresh token: PUT /authorization

The refresh token is issued together with an access token on authorization via POST /authorization

HTML tags were removed from the text of SMS notifications

The authorization token now includes only the user role instead of permissions, reducing the token size and improving efficiency.

Clear error message is added to the following reporting APIs if the provided period exceeds allowed period

  • POST /reporting/coins/funds-flows

  • POST /reporting/coins/funds-flows/{serial}


UI fix: In the Client details page, fixed mapping for Date of Birth and Client ID.

API changes


PATCH /investigation/{investigationId}

to remove transactions from the investigation, use the request:

"updateReason": "REMOVE_TRANSACTION",
"transactions": [

POST /investigation/view
Added clientUserId to filter by user ID
GET ​/users​/{userId}
removed node investigations from the response

POST /users/view

GET profiles/my

Added nextFeeDate to the response

The refresh token is issued together with an access token on authorization via POST /authorization

POST /users/view
added boolean underInvestigation field to filter and to response

The bank-accounts/view API was changed to use the GET HTTP method instead of POST.


PATCH /login-change/request/{requestId}

POST /my/tickets/transaction

DELETE /v1/reconciliation/files/{fileId}

Introduced a new endpoint for refreshing access token with a refresh token:
PUT /authorization


I18n properties changes


exception.contract.monthly_fee.not_withdrawn=Monthly fee has not been withdrawn
exception.investigation.transaction.must_have_at_least_one=Investigation must have at least one transaction
exception.i18n.property.loading_data_from_file_failed=Can't load i18n property from file
exception.media_file.deletion_failed=Media file deletion failed
exception.roles.already_exists=Roles '{0}' already exists.
exception.reconciliation.process.not_found=Reconciliation process not found. Cause: {0}
exception.login_change.request.incorrect_status=Incorrect status for change login request
exception.login_change.request.not_found=Login change request not found
exception.environment_variable.not_found=Environment variable not found
exception.entity.not_found=Entity not found
exception.property.locale.not_found=Property locale not found
exception.profile.extension_converter.not_implemented=User profile extension converter is not implemented
exception.reconciliation_file.not_deletable=Reconciliation file cannot be deleted

Configuration changes

    # Commission rule directions restrictions config

renamed to

    # Commission rule directions restrictions config

Introduced token-specific configuration

secret: ${JWT_SECRET:test.secret}
ttl: 300 # in minutes
secret: ${REFRESH_SECRET:test.secret}
ttl: 1440 # in minutes

Permission changes

Permission SYSTEM_ROLES_VIEWER was removed, introduced permissions SERVICE_ROLES_VIEWER and BUSINESS_ROLES_VIEWER instead.

SYSTEM_VENDOR_MONTHLY_FEE_VIEWER was added to the following roles:

  • ceo

  • cro

MONTHLY_FEE_VIEWER was added to the following roles:

  • ceo

  • cro

  • revenue_analyst

  • head_of_compliance

  • compliance_manager

  • comliance_specialist

USER_MANAGER was removed from the following roles:

  • accountant

Permission MEDIA_FILE_OWNER added to aml_specialist and antifraud_specialist roles.