Release Version 4.30.0 (February 28, 2025)
- Pre-deployment steps
- Post-deployment steps
- Release migrations
- Changes to notice
- New functionality
- Improvements
- Fixes
- API changes
- I18n properties changes
- Configuration changes
- Permission changes
Pre-deployment steps
To be done before deployment |
Check configuration changes and apply them in the |
Check if the release contains migrations. Migrations can affect deployment and downtime. |
Use |
Check changes to notice and make necessary changes if required. |
Post-deployment steps
To be done after deployment |
Verify permission changes and assign or remove required permissions if they have been overridden |
Add new properties from the I18n properties changes to the downloaded i18n properties file and add translation for them if needed. Use |
Release migrations
Changes to notice
Changes to notice |
Breakable changes in the APIs:
Breakable changes in the APIs:
Added mandatory request parameter |
Breakable changes in the APIs The following API paths were changed:
New functionality
Feature |
Description |
Benefits |
Information provided in the Escaped JSON format in APIs |
Service user can
Validation for the string in escaped JSON format added to the API. API request example:
Greater flexibility and adaptability to specific needs |
Reporting – ability for service users to see list of reports, download export files, and delete report |
Service users can:
Improves system efficiency by allowing reports to be generated in the background and downloaded once ready, reducing wait times and optimizing resource usage. |
Reporting – ability for service users to enable notifications when the report is ready |
Service users can enable notifications in their profile to send email or SMS to the verified contact when the report is ready. |
Cash desks – ability for the cashier to approve request to top-up via their cash desk |
Cashiers can approve request to top-up via their cash desk. Approve should be done after money has been physically deposited into the cash desk. Wallet balance will be credited after request is approved.
The cash desk functionality is still under development. Once completed, it will provide a full cycle of operations through cash desks and cash management. |
Push notifications management for business users |
Business users can enable/disable push notifications
Extends mobile application functionality |
Sending in-system notifications for business users and the ability for business users to view them in the mobile application |
In-system notifications are enabled for the following events:
Enables user communication without relying on paid channels like email and SMS |
Implemented integration with Google ReCaptca service. Сompatible with v2 and v3. |
Enhances security, protecting the system from automated abuse and unauthorized access. |
Added possibility for captcha validation for
If captcha is enabled, it is required for the following actions:
Monthly fee – the ability for service users to link the monthly fee to the existing contract |
Service users can link a monthly fee to existing contracts. When the monthly fee is linked it is charged to all users under the contract. If there is not enough money at the user’s wallet to change the monthly fee, the user will be moved to the basic contract. To all new users under the contract, the monthly fee is charged when the contract is assigned to users. |
The monthly fee feature is still being developed. Once ready, it will enable charging a monthly fee for using the product and automatically switching users to a free version if they don’t have enough funds at the time of payment. |
Monthly fee – a mechanism to charge monthly fee by the timer according to calculated fee date |
When today is the calculated date to charge a monthly fee, the timer will
Ability for business users to export transactions |
To export transactions by business users, the following API should be used
Extends mobile application functionality |
Ability for business users to re-upload declined documents if the profile has not been declined |
When the declined document is re-uploaded, the new document status is The flow of document re-upload:
A more flexible KYC process allows business users to re-upload declined documents without the need for full profile rejection. |
Ability for service users to specify a comment when declining a document from the business user |
Service users can specify a comment when declining a document from the business user |
Chats and Investigations – Ability for service users to initiate chat with business users linked to the investigation |
Service users can initiate chat with business users linked to the investigation |
Investigations functionality is still being developed. Once completed, it allows to address AML or fraud concerns efficiently and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements |
Feature |
Description |
When user is banned, in the |
Disabled date is shown for disabled commission profiles for vendor and system commissions |
For vendor’s commission profiles: CRO → Vendors → View operations, column “Disabled date” For system commission profiles: CRO → Contracts → View details → View details, column “Disabled date” |
Ability to view balances on vendor’s wallets |
CRO → Vendors → View balances |
Ability to activate/deactivate Vendor and system commission rules for the specific operation |
CRO → Vendors → View operations → View details → View commission and limit details → Deactivate/activate commission CRO → Contracts → View details → View details → View details → View commission and limit details → Deactivate/activate commission |
The “banned” user status does not change after the ban is lifted |
Notification |
Unable to delete a user if they have two wallets in the same currency with zero balance |
API changes
The new field
Added mandatory request parameter |
For API Header required if |
For API Header required if |
For API Header required if |
Optional parameter |
The following API paths were changed:
Request parameters “name” and “active” were marked as optional. |
added filters: |
Added report type |
The new optional parameter |
The request parameter The request parameter |
for type Added validation for the string in the escaped JSON format |
Added the following filters:
Removed filter:
Renamed |
added |
Added |
– |
I18n properties changes
Added |
Configuration changes
Added configuration to enable captcha validation:
Added default configuration
Added monthly fee settings
Permission changes
changes for
changed to