Asset reconciliation
To perform Asset reconciliation a Service User with the relevant permissions should first configure the frequency of the reconciliation.
Frequency configuration allows setting how often reconciliation files should be submitted.
To set up the Frequency of the Reconciliation Service user should choose the desired Asset on the main Reconciliation screen and click View details. On the chosen asset screen – press the Configure frequency button.
A modal screen will open, where Service User should choose from the dropdown menu the desired option and click Update to confirm the action.
Available options for reconciliation frequency are:
- None
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Bimonthly
The Asset Reconciliation details
The table lists reconciliation records over several periods:
- Period: Dates specifying the range for each reconciliation (e.g., “01.11.2023 – 30.11.2023”) determined by the set frequency.
- Liquidity Amount: The amount of liquidity reported for the period.
- Entered Amount: The amount manually entered for reconciliation.
- Discrepancy: Differences between the liquidity and entered amounts.
- Reconciliation Date: Exact timestamps when the reconciliation was processed.
- Reconciled by: Name of the individual who performed the reconciliation.
- Status: Indicates the current state of each reconciliation entry (e.g., “Not started”, “Warning”, “Reconciled”). Read more about Reconciliation statuses here.
Functional Buttons:
- The rows for the unreconciled periods have a “Reconcile asset” button, allowing Service Users to initiate the reconciliation process for each respective period.
Navigation and Search:
- Dropdown menus for filtering the records by “Period” and “Status”.
- A search bar to quickly find records.
- Pagination controls at the bottom, along with a “Show more” button
Reconcile Asset
To Reconcile asset
- Service User should push the Reconcile asset button in the relevant row.
- A new modal window will open where the Service User should enter the Liquidity amount in the relevant field.
- Press the Reconcile button to process the reconciliation or Cancel to return abort the action. Ensure that the amount entered is accurate, as this action will finalize the reconciliation process for the selected period.