Explore Back office manual

Create Operation

14. 01. 2025

Create Operation functionality is used to create system operations of Input, Collection and Investment of  cash to/from the Cash Desk account.  

Create Operation

Elements and Capabilities:

  1. Cash Desk Selection:
    • Cash deskDrop Down menu to select the cash desk where the operation will be performed.
  2. Account Selection:
    • AccountDrop Down menu to select the currency account for the operation. (e.g., USD).
  3. Operation Type –  Dropdown menu to select the type of operation to be performed. Available options may include:
    • Collect: is the operation to transfer the amount of funds from the cash desk wallet to a special transit wallet.
    • Investment: Investing funds to the cash desk. This operation increases the selected cash desk account’s balance, which later can be used for withdrawals or transfers to other cash desks.
    • Input: The operation to transfer the amount from the transit wallet to the cash desk wallet.
  4. Amount –  Input field to specify the amount of money involved in the operation.
  5. Collector Name: Input field to specify the name of the collector handling the operation. 
  6. Create Operation Button: Button to create and initiate the operation with the provided details.
  7. Cancel Button: Button to cancel the operation creation process.

Read more about Cash desk operations in the Knowledge Base: Cash desk Input, Cash desk collection, Cash desk investment.