Investigation details
The Investigation Details screen provides comprehensive information and management tools for a specific investigation related to AML (Anti-Money Laundering) or fraud prevention. Below is a detailed guide on how to navigate and utilize the features available on this screen.
Depending on the status of the investigation Service User can either Complete investigation (for investigations “In-progress”) or Reopen Investigation for the investigation that was completed). A relevant button will be displayed in the top right corner of the Investigation details page.
This screen displays detailed information about a particular investigation, including the investigation’s progress, related client information, suspicious transactions, and investigation steps.
Key Components
Investigation Details
- Investigation ID: Unique identifier for the investigation.
- Investigator: Name of the AML officer handling the investigation.
- Investigation reason: The reason for initiating the investigation (e.g., AML).
- Investigation start date: The date and time when the investigation started.
- Investigation status: The current status of the investigation (e.g., In progress).
- Investigation deadline: The expected completion date of the investigation.
- Upload documents: Button to upload documents related to the investigation.
If the documents were uploaded:
- Date: The date and time when the document was uploaded
- File name: name of the file with the uploaded document
- Document status:the current status of the document which can be “Approved”, “Declined”, “Need review”.
- View details dutton: Button to view the document
Investigation Steps
- Step Details: List of steps taken during the investigation with details like the action performed, the person who performed it, and the date and time.
- Add note: Button to add notes related to the investigation.
- Date: The date when the note was added
- Role: Role of the officer who added the note
- Name: Name of the officer who added the note
- Note text
Client Information
- Client name: Name of the client involved in the investigation.
- Client ID: Unique identifier for the client.
- Account status: Current status of the client’s account (e.g., Active or Frozen).
- KYC status: Status of the client’s KYC verification (e.g., KYC Verified).
- Gender: Gender of the client.
- Date of birth: Client’s date of birth.
- Email address: Client’s email address.
- Phone number: Client’s phone number.
- Freeze account: Button to freeze the client’s account if necessary OR
- Unfreeze account: Button to unfreeze the client’s account that was previously frozen by the Service User.
- Date and time of the chat
- New messages
- Create new Chat button – to initiate new chat with the client.
Suspicious Transactions
- Transaction Details: List of suspicious transactions related to the investigation, including:
- Date and time: When the transaction occurred.
- Amount sent: The amount of money involved in the transaction.
- Status: The current status of the transaction (e.g., Processed, Frozen).
- Reason: The reason for the transaction being flagged as suspicious (AML or Fraud).
- View details: Button to view detailed information about each suspicious transaction.
Complete/Reopen Investigation
- Complete Investigation: Button at the top right corner to mark the investigation as complete once all necessary steps have been taken.
- Reopen Investigation: Button to start over the investigation