System Calendar
System calendar – is a configurable sequence of operational days for a specified period.
To set up the system calendar the following parameters should be specified:
- begin date (each period starts from the date set up as begin date for the last operational day)
- end date
- time shift (hh:mm:ss – this period will be added to the operational day begin date, for example, if 02:15:00 is specified, day will be started and the specified date at 02:15:00, for example, 19.12.2023 02:15:00; and date will be ended 1 second before this time shift)
- begin date time = calendar date with time 00:00:00 + time shift
- end date time = calendar date with time 23:59:59 + time shift
After the creation of the system calendar, operational days with status: Future can be deleted.
A calendar can only be created starting from the current day or a future date. It is necessary to specify the period of validity and the time shift.
Read more about System Calendar in the Knowledge Base.
On the main System Calendar section screen, Service Users can overview the created calendars, delete a calendar or create a new one.
Screen Elements and Functionalities
- System Calendar Table
The table displays a list of operational days with the following columns:
- Operational Day: Sequential index of the operational day.
- Begin Date Time: The start time of the operational day.
- End Date Time: The end time of the operational day.
- Status: The current status of the operational day, which can be one of the following:
- Closed: Indicates the operational day has ended.
- Opened: Indicates the operational day is active.
- Future: Indicates upcoming operational days.
- Filters
- Period: Allows filtering the calendar based on a date range.
- Status: Enables filtering operational days by their status (e.g., Opened, Closed, Future).
- Action Buttons
- Delete Calendar: Deletes the selected calendar entry.
- Create Calendar: Opens the form to create a new operational day.
- Additional Tools
- Table View Options: Customize the display of the table.
- Export: Allows exporting the calendar data in a specified format.
- Refresh: Reloads the calendar data to display the most up-to-date information.
Delete System Calendar
To delete a calendar, Service User should click on the Delete calendar button on the main System Calendar screen. A new modal window will open.
In the modal form, Service User should choose the date starting from which the calendar will be deleted.
Press Delete Calendar to confirm the action or Cancel to return to the main screen.
Read more details about deleting the calendar in the API description.
Create System Calendar
To create System Calendar Service User should click on the Create Calendar button on the main System Calendar screen. A new modal window will open.
- Select the Calendar Type
- Choose a calendar Type from the dropdown menu.
- Options: Depending on the system configuration, available types might include Year, Month or Custom.
- Choose the Period (Optional)
- If the the Custom type was selected it requires a specific Period, enter the begin and end date of the period.
- Enable “Time Shift” (Optional)
- Toggle the Time Shift option to customize the start and end times of the operational day.
- When enabled, additional fields appear:
- Time Shift: Specify the time offset in the format hh:mm:ss.
- The Create Calendar button becomes active.
- Click Create Calendar to save the new system calendar entry.
Read more details about Creation of System calendar in the API description.