Explore Back office manual

View list of Team Members

14. 01. 2025

This screen serves as a central dashboard to view, manage, and update details about each team member. 

View list of Team Members

Table Columns Explained:

  1. Team Member Name: Displays the full name of each team member.
  2. Role: Indicates the specific role of the team member within the organization, such as AML Officer, or Fraud Officer.
  3. Team Member ID: A unique identifier assigned to each team member.
  4. Organization ID: A unique identifier that links the team member to a specific organization. 
  5. Email: Lists the official email addresses for each team member.
  6. Phone: Shows the contact phone numbers.
  7. Creation Date: The date when the team member was added to the system.
  8. Profile Status: Shows the current status of the team member’s profile (e.g., Active, Deactivated).

Functional Buttons:

  • View details: Each row has a “View profile” button that allows Service Users to access detailed information about the team member’s profile, role, and activity within the organization.
  • Create a team member:  Button at the top right corner allows for adding new team members to the system.