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23. 12. 2024

The Finance team consists of the following roles:

  • CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  • Financial Specialist
  • Accountant
  • Cashier 

Financial Specialist and Accountant are two separate roles with the same permissions by default. 

Users of the Finance team can be created by Administrator and Role-Administrator. Self registration is not allowed. 

Check the default Back office for Accountant, Financial Specialist and Cashier:


Role Description Available Backoffice Functionality View/Modify

Financial specialist


Maintaining accounting, and regulating the cash desk working process. CFO/Assets view
CFO/Asset rates view
CFO/System accounts view and modify
CFO/Cash desks view and modify
CFO/Cash desks/[cash desk1] view
CFO/Cash desks/[cash desk1]/Working day view and modify
CFO/Cash desks/[cash desk1]/Close working hours view
CFO/Cash desks/[cash desk1]/Cashiers view and modify
CFO/Cash desks/[cash desk1]/Cash desk details view and modify



Processing cash desk operations and handling cash. CFO/Cashiers/Cash desk/Open working hours view and modify
CFO/Cashiers/Cash desk/Close working hours view and modify

CFO (chief Financial Officer)

Managing all financial aspects of the company. CFO/Assets view and modify
CFO/Asset rates view and modify
CFO/System accounts view
CFO/Cash desks view
CFO/Reconciliation view and modify
CFO/Operational days view and modify
CFO/System calendar view and modify