Currency Cloud
03. 01. 2025
Currency Cloud integration is used to get automated currency exchange rates for Currency Exchange operations.
To start using the Currency Cloud integration Client should first create your own account in Currency Cloud and provide us the credentials.
To configure currency exchange rates provider use the following configuration structure
exchange-rates: timer: enabled: true schedule-expression: '0 0/5 * ? * * *' providers: - name: 'Manual' active: true enabled: true description: 'Manual currency exchange rates' default-ttl: 'P0D' - name: 'Currency-cloud' active: false enabled: true description: 'Currency cloud exchange provider' default-ttl: PT10H
currency-cloud: identifier: 'Currency-cloud' # must be unique and the same with exchange-rates.providers[*].name url: '' login-id: '' api-key: 'some-hidden-key' available-currencies: - USD - EUR - GBP - CHF
When enabled: true it means that provider can be used and it can be changed on UI.
active: true shows which provider is used at the moment.
To change which provider should be used to get currency exchange rates on UI:
In the system there are two APIs
- Authorization
{ "login_id": "...", "api_key": "..." } response: { "auth_token": "..." } Get token as {{auth_token}} = "6013e7ab5a97d2bccf799f805aa9de33"
- Obtain rates by currency pair
currency_pair=USDGBP Headers: X-Auth-Token:{{auth_token}} GET response { "rates": { "USDGBP": [ "0.710177", "0.710278" ] }, "unavailable": [] }