The Investigations functionality enables service users with appropriate permissions to manage AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and Fraud investigations efficiently. This feature supports initiating, managing, completing, and reopening investigations while linking transactions and entities for comprehensive case management.
The Investigations section of the back-office is by default available for such Team members:
- Administrator
- AML specialist
- Anti-fraud specialist
Service users with appropriate permissions are able to initiate manual transaction investigations, view the created investigation (details and list of all investigations) along with related transactions, and manage investigation statuses.
To initiate an investigation, a service user with appropriate permissions must select the transaction to investigate and specify the Investigation reason.
Initiate Investigation:
- The service user selects transactions to investigate and initiates an investigation, specifying:
- Investigation reason (required; available values: AML, Fraud).
On the UI, the user can optionally specify whether to block (for reason: AML) or freeze (for reason: Fraud) the client profile when creating the investigation. The existing API PATCH /v1/users/{userId} should be used to change the user’s status.
- The system performs the following actions:
- Creates an investigation with Status: “In Progress.”
- Sets the Start date to the current date.
- Sets the Investigation deadline according to a configuration property (current date + number of days, default: 7 days, based on the investigation reason).
- Links related transactions and stores the details.
- After creating the investigation, the service user can view the investigation (details and list of all investigations) and manage its status according to the status transitions.
Complete Investigation:
1. The service user selects the investigation and completes it by providing the following parameters:
- Conclusion (required): Available values:
- Ordinary transaction, Fraud confirmed (for Investigation reason: Fraud).
- Ordinary transaction, AML confirmed (for Investigation reason: AML).
- Note (required): A text note about the investigation results.
- The system performs the following actions:
- Closes the investigation.
- Updates the Status to “Completed.”
- Sets the Investigation end date.
- Stores the conclusion and note.
- The service user can view the investigation details and has the ability to reopen it.
Reopen Investigation:
1. The service user with appropriate permissions selects an investigation in status “Completed” and reopens it (the investigation reason cannot be changed when reopening).
- The system performs the following actions:
- Updates the Status to “In Progress.”
- Sets the Start date.
- Updates the Investigation deadline and Investigator.
- Clears the End date.
- After reopening, the service user can view the investigation and manage its status according to the transition.
Link More Than One Transaction to the Investigation
Service users with relevant permissions are able to:
- Link as many related transactions to one investigation as needed after investigation creation (linking transactions to the investigation is many-to-many).
- Remove linked transactions, except for the initial transaction for which the investigation was created.
Users should provide the transaction ID (business process ID) to link or unlink it to/from the investigation.
The system returns an error when a user tries to:
- Link a transaction that is already linked to this investigation.
- Link a transaction to an investigation with a status other than “In progress.”
- Link a transaction that is not allowed to be linked (see the list of operations below).
- Remove the initial transaction for which the investigation was initiated.
Adding notes related to investigation
Service user is able to add notes to the investigation if its status is “in progress” to be able to review list of notes within investigation
- Service user provides investigation ID and text of the note
- The system creates note with the following parameters:
- create date – date time when note is created
- role – role of the service user who creates the note
- creator – first and last name of the service user who creates the note
- note – text content
- System links note to the investigation
- Service user can view the list of notes related to the investigation
Any service user with appropriate role and permissions can view and add notes to the investigation
Notes can be added only to investigation in status “In progress“, otherwise system should return an error.
General Investigation Configuration
- Investigations can be initiated for the following operation types (regardless of their statuses):
- Top-up via provider
- Withdrawal via provider
- Purchase via provider
- Top-up via bank
- Withdrawal via bank
- Transfer
- Top-up via cash desk
- Withdrawal via cash desk
- Merchant payment
- Merchant invoice
- The investigation deadline can be configured in days (separately for AML and Fraud) at the system configuration level.
- Transactions can be linked to investigations in a many-to-many relationship.
- Organizations and users can also be linked to investigations in a many-to-many relationship.
- Service and business users can view investigations linked to transactions.
- Service users can view investigations linked to organizations and users.
- Service users can see in the transactions list which transactions have investigations created (regardless of their statuses) and filter transactions by this parameter (e.g., underInvestigation: true/false).
Investigation status transition
Status | Transit to | Description |
In progress | Completed | initial status, the system creates an investigation in “In progress“ status until the user does not complete it |
Completed | In progress | user manually completes the investigation and provides a conclusion and note; after completion user can reopen the investigation |
Investigations APIs:
POST /investigation
POST /investigation/view
GET /investigation/{investigationId}
PATCH /investigation/{investigationId} (Here are 3 possible actions to update investigation: COMPLETE, REOPEN, ADD_TRANSACTIONS. Depending on action you have to fill appropriate fields. For COMPLETE – conclusion, for ADD_TRANSACTIONS – transactions)
POST /transactions/view (boolean parameter underInvestigation to filter)
Investigations within Client Profiles
Service users with appropriate permission are able to see the following details about the investigation in the Client profile context:
Clients list:
- See if there is an investigation in status “In progress.”
- Able to filter users by investigation statuses (In progress, Completed).
Client profile details – Investigations:
- Investigation reason
- Investigation creation date
- Investigation status
Clients list form:
Filter “Investigation status”:
- In Progress: Returns all clients that have at least one investigation in status “In progress.”
- Completed: Returns clients that have NO investigations in status “In progress.”
Column “Investigations”:
- Shows “Under investigation” if a client has at least one investigation in status “In progress.”
- Shows a dash (-) if a client has NO investigations in status “In progress.”
Client profile – Investigations:
- Shows the three latest investigations in the list.