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27. 03. 2023

User’s onboarding process can be divided into several steps. Each step can be performed either by the user itself or by the System user on behalf of the user, or both.

Below is the detailed Users onboarding guide: 

Clients (Business Users) Onboarding

Onboarding step Can be performed by User Can be performed by Service User on behalf of the User Description
Register Account YES  YES  Self registration and registration of the new user by Service users are available. 
Role assignment YES YES Roles are assigned during the registration in the system. Available roles are: Individual


Corporate (coming soon)

KYC verification
Upload documents for KYC YES NO Only Users can upload their own documents for further verification. 
Provide Client’s profile information YES YES Both Clients and Service users can edit the user’s profile details.
Documents verification NO YES Documents can be verified only by the service user with relevant permission. 
Profile verification NO YES Profiles can be verified only by the service user with relevant permission. 
KYC status reset YES YES
Contract setup NO YES Customers are assigned to specific contracts that define the fees and limits applicable to their accounts. 




Check SDK.finance Back office manual related to the onboarding steps:

Add Client

Bulk edit contract

Client Profile Management