Explore Knowledge Base


27. 03. 2023

Registration of new users in the system can be performed by the Administrator of the system or the user himself.
By default Users can be registered in the system with their email or phone number.


Registration by Admin

Administrators or other roles with relevant permissions can create both new business (Individual, Merchant) and system users.
Read more about the registration of system users by the Administrator. 
Business users can also register in the system by self-registration.



Business users, both Individual and Merchant, can perform a quick self-registration via email or mobile phone.
This functionality is available on the UI provided out of the box.

To register in the system User should:
1. Click the Sign-up on the landing page.
(!) By default, the system displays an individual user registration form. To register a merchant account, click the “Need merchant account?” and select the legal entity type: “Corporation” or “Individual”.
2. Enter email or phone number and press Sign-up.
(!) An email or SMS with a 6-digit activation code will be sent to the specified contact.
3. Enter the code received, create a password that meets the validation criteria, and Confirm.


Password requirements

By default password has the following requirements:
• One uppercase letter
• One lowercase letter
• One digit
• One special character such as # $ ! @ * & %
• At least 8 characters

(!) The user can confirm the registration from the registration page later. Just click on “Got a code? Confirm by Code (OTP)”, enter the email/phone, code, and confirm the action.
(!) In case the User was registered via email, after successful registration, the system will send the confirmation message with account information to the specified email address.
(!) In case the User was registered via phone number, after successful registration, the system will send the confirmation SMS with login to the specified phone number.
(!) In case the issue has occurred and the user didn’t receive a code click “Resend”.


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