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23. 12. 2024

The Revenue  team consists of the

  • CRO (Chief Revenue Officer)
  • Revenue Specialist
  • Revenue analyst

Users with roles CRO, Revenue Specialist and Revenue analyst  can be created by Administrator and Role-Administrator. Self registration is not allowed. 

Check the default CRO,  Revenue Specialist and Revenue analystL specialists backoffice:


Role Description Available Backoffice Functionality View/Modify

CRO – Chief Revenue Officer

Contract Management: Responsible for the company’s revenue growth strategy. CRO/Contracts view and modify

Revenue specialist

Vendor Management: Responsible for the 3rd-party providers’ settings and management. CRO/Vendors view and modify

Revenue analyst

Analyze system and vendor commission settings to optimize the company`s revenue. CRO/Contracts view
CRO/Vendors view