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Simple Multi Tenancy Service

18. 03. 2025

Deployment and Setup Guide


Purpose and Functionality

“Simple Multitenancy” is a service designed to implement regional multi-tenancy, ensuring that client data is stored in different regional data centers. The service is written in Python and is designed to run efficiently in a Kubernetes environment, though it can also operate on other platforms.

Environment Requirements

  • Operating System: Linux (recommended), but it can run on any OS that supports Python.

  • Host Requirements: At least 1 CPU and 128 MB of RAM.

  • Container Orchestration: Kubernetes (recommended).

  • Ingress Configuration: Uses cert-manager for TLS certificates.

  • Configuration Management: Uses ConfigMap and Secret for environment settings.

Instance Requirements

  • The service interacts with the target instances that must be properly configured:

    • The target instance must permit CORS for the defined service URL

    • The target instance should provide the service account with the view user profile permission

Installation and Environment Setup

Python Version and Dependencies

  • The service requires Python 3.x.

  • Dependencies are managed via pip using the requirements.txt file.

  • The requirements.txt file includes necessary libraries for running the service

To install dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Variables and Configuration Files

  • Configuration is managed through a config.yaml file, which is mounted from a Kubernetes ConfigMap.

    log_level: DEBUG
    name: "EU region" #The name displayed on UI
    base_url: "https://individual-eu.multitenancy.techfin.dev" #The base URL to redirect
    api_url: "https://api-eu.multitenancy.techfin.dev" #The base URL to send API requests
    auth_path: "/api/v1/authorization" #API Path to authenticate service user
    user_lookup_path: "/api/v1/users/view" #API Path to search for the user
    redirect_path: "/manual" #Path to redirect user for login
    registration_path: "/registration" #Path to redirect user for registration
    username: "service_user1" #The login of the service user
    password: "pwd" #The password of the service user
    name: "US region"
    base_url: "https://individual-us.multitenancy.techfin.dev"
    api_url: "https://api-us.multitenancy.techfin.dev"
    auth_path: "/api/v1/authorization"
    user_lookup_path: "/api/v1/users/view"
    redirect_path: "/manual"
    registration_path: "/registration"
    username: "service_user2"
    password: "pwd"
    user_type: business #The type of the user to search
    secret_key: "verystrongsecret"
    algorithm: "HS512"

  • The logging level is controlled by the log_level variable in the configuration file (default: INFO). For debugging, it can be set to DEBUG.

Build and Preparation for Deployment

Build and Preparation Steps

  • Ensure Python dependencies are installed.

  • Validate the configuration in config.yaml.

  • Generate any necessary artifacts (if applicable).


Local Deployment

To run the service locally, execute:

python -m app.main

Docker Deployment

The service can be containerized using Docker. To build and run:

docker build -t simple-multitenancy .
docker run -p 8080:8080 simple-multitenancy

Or user docker-compose file to run:

docker-compose run

Kubernetes Deployment

  • Configuration is mounted via ConfigMap (config.yaml).

  • Ingress is managed using cert-manager.

  • Ensure that the target instances allows CORS for the specified URL.

Deploying to Kubernetes

To deploy the service manually, use the Kubernetes manifests located in deploy/k8s/.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Incorrect Service Account credentials

    • Check for misconfigured ConfigMaps.

  2. Logging and Debugging

    • Logs can be monitored using:

      kubectl logs -f <pod_name>

    • Set log_level to DEBUG in config.yaml for more detailed logs.

  3. Ingress Issues

    • Verify that cert-manager is correctly issuing certificates.

    • Ensure the Ingress rules match the expected domain routing.

  4. Pod Resource Limits

    • If the service is not respecting resource limits, check the Kubernetes resource requests/limits configuration.