Templates and Subscriptions
Aim: to store data for semi- or automatic payment execution.
Template types
There are types of templates in the system:
- Transfer template
- Invoice template
- Cart & purchase template
1. Transfer template
DB table name: template_transfer
1.1. Create transfer template
There two options how to create transfer template:
by operation id
basic way
1.1.1 Transfer Template by operation id
All required payment data are taken from the operation data
permissions: TEMPLATES_OWNER
POST /templates/transfer/operation/{operationId}
1.1.2 Transfer Template basic way
All payment data should be pasted.
reusable – parameter shows if the template can be used in more than one subscription. Value: true | false
paymentTool – this section contains the required payment data.
There are two types (type): COIN | SMART_CARD.
According tho this types in srcValue and destValue should be pasted different values:
for type COIN it should be the coin serial numbers
for type SMART_CARD it should be the smart card numbers
permissions: TEMPLATES_OWNER
1.2. Retrieve transfer templates
There are two options to obtain templates:
get all transfer templates
get all templates with filter and pagination
1.2.1 Get all transfer templates
permissions: TEMPLATES_OWNER
1.2.2 Get all templates with filter and pagination
1.3. Update transfer templates
permissions: TEMPLATES_OWNER
PATCH /templates/transfer/{id}
1.4. Delete transfer templates
permissions: TEMPLATES_OWNER
DELETE /templates/transfer/{Id}
1.5. Manual payment execution
1.5.1 Calculate payment fee by transfer template
permissions: TEMPLATES_OWNER
POST /templates/transfer/{Id}/calculate
1.5.2 Execute payment fee by transfer template
permissions: TEMPLATES_OWNER
POST /templates/transfer/{Id}/execute
2. Invoice template
DB table name: template_invoice
3. Cart & purchase template
DB table name: template_cart, template_purchase
Responsibility: to manage the regular executions of payments.
DB table name: subscription, subscription_definition
Related entities:
Period: Templates & Subscriptions | Periods
Subscription statuses:
ACTIVE – subscription in progress, intermediate state
STOPPED – stopped subscription; intermediate state, can switch to ACTIVE
PROCESSED – finished subscription, terminate state
CANCELLED – exceptionally finished subscription, terminate state
Expiration Type (field expirationType):
The type of ending the subscription
DATE – by date – regular payment is executed until the required date (field endDate)
INFINITY – there are no constraints on regular payment executions
COUNT – by reaching required successfully executed payments (field count)
e.g.: stop subscription after reaching N number of successfully executed payments
AMOUNT – by reaching required amount of payments (field amount)
e.g.: required to pay $60 by $20 payments, it means that subscription will be processed after 3 times of successful executions Recurring Type (field type)
DAILY – daily subscription execution
WEEKLY – weekly subscription execution
MONTHLY – monthly subscription execution
ANNUALLY – annually subscription execution
Amount (field amount) – amount of payments to be reached.
Requires for expirationType = AMOUNT
Count (field count) – number of successfully executed payments. Default value is 1.
Requires for expirationType = COUNT
End Date (field endDate) – end date of subscription.
Requires for expirationType = DATE
Recurring Start Date (field recurringStartDate) – start date of subscription
Frequency (field frequency) – max number of execution attempts among the period (according to recurring type) after fail execution. Default value is 1.
Template ID (field templateId) – template ID which contains the information of payment execution
Subscriptions settings:
remove-after-complete: enable: false subscription-timer: enabled: true schedule-expression: ‘0 * * ? * *’ # cron expression notification: enable: false |
Subscription APIs:
- Create Subscription
Create Subscription with expiration type COUNT COUNT
mandatory field: count
After creating the Subscription status is ACTIVE
Possible options of creating Subscription requests according to other expiration types:
mandatory field: amount
mandatory field: endDate
there are no mandatory fields
- Retrieve Subscription
there are no permissions
- Update Subscription
3.1. Activate subscription
Only Subscription in status STOPPED could be activated
permissions: there are no permissions
PATCH /subscriptions/{Id}/activate
After activating the Subscription status becomes ACTIVE
3.2. Stop subscription
Only Subscription in status ACTIVE could be stopped
After stopping the Subscription status becomes STOPPED
- Delete Subscription
Only Subscription in status STOPPED could be deleted
After deleting the Subscription status becomes CANCELED
Responsibility: to store the next execution date for related Subscription.
DB table name: subscription_period, subscription_period_definition
Period statuses:
SCHEDULED – when Subscription was created and a new execution date was arranged
FAILED – period was stoped because of exception case
STOPPED – when Subscription is stopped
PROCESSED – when the regular payment attempt was successfully finished
CANCELED – when Subscription in status CANCELED
Process period on (field processPeriodOn) – date when related subscription should be executed.
The value of processPeriodOn compiles
- When Subscription is created the processPeriodOn is the recurringStartDate
- When Subscription is activated or arranging a next execution time the processPeriodOn computes by Subscription frequency value and last Process Date according to the Subscription type
private static OffsetDateTime calculateNewDateForPayment(Subscription subscription,
OffsetDateTime lastProcessDate) { int counter = subscription.getFrequency(); switch (subscription.getType()) { case DAILY: return lastProcessDate.plusDays(counter); case WEEKLY: return lastProcessDate.plusWeeks(counter); case MONTHLY: return lastProcessDate.plusMonths(counter); case ANNUALLY: return lastProcessDate.plusYears(counter); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(“period not implemented”); } } |