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Transaction history

27. 03. 2023

Transactions history is available for both business and system users.

Check the Back Office manual to get more information about the transaction history viewing by Service Users.

Business Users can view their transactions history, filter and search for specific transactions as well as download CSV files.
This functionality can be used for further extension of business processes and building new use cases – like providing reports and analytics for Users using the integration with some third-party service provider.

To get the list of all transactions use this API 

Use this API to get the list of transactions with filtering and pagination.

In the filter you can provide the required transactions IDs, types, statuses, organisations, sender or recipient parameters, etc.

If this API is called by a business user, only transactions for the user’s organisations will be returned.

Check the API response example to get the fields returned about each transaction. 

API: Transactions management

Download CSV

Users can download the transaction history file in a csv format.
Below is the sample of a csv file downloaded by the Individual.
CSV reports can be exported with applied filters provided for transaction history, for example for a chosen time period or transaction type.

Transaction history

View Spending by categories

This functionality allows users to have a summarized view of their transactions by certain categories, like internal transfer, currency exchange, withdrawals etc.

Each transaction in the system belongs to a certain business process. The category is the optional parameter for such business processes.
To allow tagging a certain transaction that has been executed by the User a category should be set for transaction_id. This is additional functionality that can be easily implemented using SDK.finance source code by extending the transaction profile.

API for this Use Case