Explore Knowledge Base

User Self Registration

20. 12. 2024

Business users, whether Individuals or Merchants, can complete a quick self-registration using their email address or mobile phone number.

To enable SMS notifications for mobile phone registration, an active SMS service is required. 

The system supports Amazon SNS  or  Twilio for this purpose. 

The SDK.finance PaaS client must supply their credentials for either service to configure and enable SMS notifications for users.

User Self Registration flow: 

  • User Registration Request

To initiate user registration:

  • Provide Email or phone number

The phone should be specified without a “+” sign or additional symbols.

  • Choose Role: enter in the request  either “merchant” or “individual.”
  • Confirm: Submit the registration request.

Upon submission, a notification containing a 6-digit OTP (One-Time Password) will be sent to the specified email address or phone number.

OTP requirements can be configured in the application configuration file.

It is possible to activate/deactivate  static OTP and set the length of the OTP.

To setup static OTP the following build parameters should be changed:




     enabled: true

     code: '1111'

By default users.registration.static-otp.enabled is false

OTP configuration settings:




   length: 6

   ttl: 86400

max length: 36

By default the OTP length is set to 6 digits.

API Reference: User Self-Registration Endpoint

  • Confirm Registration

To complete the registration process:

  1. Retrieve the OTP sent to the provided email address or phone number
  2. Enter Details: Email address or phone number used for registration, OTP received from the system, A secure password for the account.
  3. Confirm: Submit the information.

Once successfully completed, the system will:

  • Register the new user.
  • Generate a unique User ID.
  • Provide an Authorization Token for future interactions.

API: Registration confirmation

Password requirements:

By default password has the following requirements:

• One uppercase letter
• One lowercase letter
• One digit
• One special character such as # $ ! @ * & %
• At least 8 characters

Password requirements can be configured in the application configuration file.

For example, it’s possible to set the numeric value of the password with the length of min 8 and max 12 characters by setting the following parameters in the application.yaml file:



    regex: '\d{8,12}'

Use this API to resend the OTP if it wasn’t received by the User. 

After successful registration, the system will send the confirmation message with account information to the specified email address or phone number.

The texts of notifications can be changed in the en.property file using this guide.