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Withdraw via Bank

03. 01. 2025

Withdrawal via bank can be used when it is required to perform bank transfer using the provided account details on the bank side along with withdrawal money from the wallet.
It can be used for cash withdrawal from the wallet as well as this operation is also can be considered a bank transfer from the electronic money account to the cash-to-withdraw.
Exact accounting on the bank side depends on the business model.

SDK.finance platform provides the following possible options to perform withdrawal via bank:

  • Without confirmation, performed by service user with the appropriate permission. Can be used, for example, when customer initiates withdrawal in the bank branch and it is not necessary to initiate and approve this operation in the platform
  • With confirmation, when a customer initiates a request in the application, it should be confirmed by the accountant.

    Withdrawal via bank success flow with confirmation:
  • The business user (Individual or Merchant) initiates withdrawal via bank request and provides destination bank account details, when the request is initiated money is on hold on the user’s wallet
  • The service user with the appropriate permission (Accountant) reviews the initiated request and approves or declines it.
  • When the request is approved money is withdrawn from user wallet and bank transfer should be performed manually on the bank side or via integration with the bank (integration should be developed)

    To be able to perform withdrawal via bank:
  • Bank should be added to the system using API POST /bank-catalog
  • Operation withdrawal via bank should be activated in the commissions on UI or using APIs from the Contract management – commission profiles
  • Bank account should be created and linked to the wallet on UI or using Bank accounts management APIs.

Withdraw via Bank


API for this Use case

Accounting model scheme: Withdraw via Bank – IN commission

Withdraw via Bank