Asset Rates
Asset rates source
There are two options for getting exchange rates for the operations (Asset rate sources):
- “manual” source means that all asset rates should be set manually
- “integration” source means that all asset rates will be uploaded via integration with rate provider, e.g. Currencycloud (available only if integration was implemented) uses Currencycloud as a pre-integrated third-party solution for getting currency exchange rates.
The system provides the ability to switch between asset rate sources, manual or integration, without application restart
System configuration for asset rates source:
exchange-rates: timer: enabled: true schedule-expression: '0 0/5 * ? * * *' providers: - name: 'Manual' active: true enabled: true description: 'Manual currency exchange rates' default-ttl: 'P0D' - name: 'Currency-cloud' active: false enabled: true description: 'Currency cloud exchange provider' default-ttl: PT10H currency-cloud: identifier: 'Currency-cloud' # must be unique and the same with exchange-rates.providers[*].name url: '' login-id: '' api-key: 'some-hidden-key’ available-currencies: - USD - EUR - GBP - CHF
- default-ttl – a frequency of getting the updated rates from third-party
- providers.enabled: true – true/false means turn on/turn off using certain provider (e.g. Manual, Currencycloud).
Clients need to create their own account in Currency Cloud in order to use it.
API to change asset rate source
Change source from “Manual” to “Integration”
- System immediately updates values for all current rates from the integration (if the provider supports this, otherwise system keeps the current rate and set the status for asset rate “Unavailable”)
- Next rates update will be no later than the TTL time set in the configuration for this provider
- All asset rates (pairs) that will be added after switching will” be initialized through the integration source
Change source from “Integration” to “Manual”
- System keeps all current rates as is
Asset rate statuses transition when changing the source
Manual to Integration | Integration to Manual | ||
Before | After | Before | After |
Created | Created | Created | Created |
Active | Active | Active | Active |
Disabled | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
all statuses | Unavailable – if provider does not support asset | Unavailable |
Manual exchange rates set up
- Authorize as admin or other service user with relevant permission.
- Get the list of currencies in the system
- View exchange rate
- Set currency exchange rate
Setup asset rates manually via Back-office UI
Get exchange rates via CurrencyCloud
If exchange-rates:providers:enabled: true for Currencycloud provider
Call API to get exchange rates
POST {{baseUrl}}/exchange-rates/view
request body { "ratePairs": [ { "inCurrencyId": "e0b47f2d-32d2-48bb-b5d6-ae4f7416da23", "outCurrencyId": "5a273b77-4a0a-4ffc-b979-6f0710c13f92" } ] }
response body { "records": [ { "id": "5b9f9fa4-7c5e-4fcb-8de4-3fcb4b21c2e4", "inCurrency": { "id": "e0b47f2d-32d2-48bb-b5d6-ae4f7416da23", "sn": "USD", "code": "USD", "symbol": "$" }, "outCurrency": { "id": "5a273b77-4a0a-4ffc-b979-6f0710c13f92", "sn": "EUR", "code": "EUR", "symbol": "€" }, "rate": 0.843241, "exchanger": { "id": "234c927a-366d-4195-baba-b6f48c09f6bd", "type": "system", "name": "SDK.Finance", "organizationStatus": "approved", "contract_info": { "id": "5e05abcd-9123-4827-a30b-3ac5027174d9", "personType": "base", "name": "base contract for org system" } }, "active": true } ] }
- those rates that have already been created will update their values according to the configuration no later than 10 hours from the last update (default-ttl: PT10H can be changed in configuration)
- those rates that have not been initialized will be initialized with new values received from CurrencyCloud
Asset Rates Status
Status | Transition | Description |
Created | Active, Disabled, Unavailable | Asset rate just created, set status as default automatically when creating a rate for currency pair. Status means that asset rate can NOT be used for exchange operation.
Status can NOT be set manually |
Active | Disabled, Unavailable | Asset rate is active and can be used for exchange operation.
Service user activate asset rate manually |
Disabled | Active, Unavailable | Asset rate is disabled and can NOT be used for exchange operation.
Service user disabled asset rate manually |
Status for UI: “Unavailable for this type of rate source” |
Active, Disabled | *Asset rate is unavailable and can NOT be used for exchange operation.
*Status applicable only to Integration rate source and means that rate for current asset pair was not provided by the integration. System set status automatically. |